Monday 16 November 2009

Hello Hong Kong

This week I have mainly been chilling out in Hong Kong with my lovely cousin Charlotte and her hubby, Martin. It's so different from my last few weeks. Being back in civilisation and relative normality is taking some getting used to. I've been talking to people who don't need to know my background and story as they already know it. I can go into the kitchen and make myself a cup of tea. I can sit on a sofa and watch TV. It's ace!

The first thing that struck me about Hong Kong when I arrived here is that it's so organised compared to my recent destinations. I got a train from the airport into town and it was spotless, efficient and quick. I got a taxi from the station. There was a taxi stand with somebody directing the cabs to passengers. I didn't have to haggle the price, check that the meter was running correctly or fear I was going to be taken to a random shop or hotel. I got in a cab, the fare was set, and the driver took me to my destination. Such a weird concept!

I found myself walking down the street the other day and I had to remind myself that I should be walking on the pavement rather than in the road. In Cambodia and Vietnam, there's rarely room for you to walk on the pavement. The pavement is where people park their motorbikes, cook food, eat on tiny plastic stools, beg, sell, sleep, but rarely just walk. I've got used to walking in the gutter, hoping not to be hit by one of the many motorbikes zooming past me.

I feel like I'm having a week off travelling. I've visited Hong Kong twice before, so I don't have my usual agenda of sightseeing. The temperature is about 10 degrees cooler here too which is a total shocker. I'm really unprepared too as I've only packed for sunshine. A chilblain started to develop on my finger within 36 hours!

We went to the Hong Kong Open golf tournament on Saturday. This trip is all about new experiences, but this wasn't one that I'd anticipated. It was really interesting wandering around the gorgeous course and watching men hit balls with sticks. I have to say that I was more intrigued by their fashion choices than their putting ability, but nevetheless it was another good first for me.

I have a few more days to relax and explore HK before I fly off to Perth, Australia. I'll enjoy the cooler temperature here while I can as Oz will be getting hot and hotter. Phew!

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