I waved goodbye to Sydney on Friday with huge sadness. I've such an amazing time there and I really didn't want it to end. But end it must. I arrived back at Heathrow airport in the early hours of Easter Saturday morning, seven months after I left.
What a journey it's been - emotionally, physically and mentally. I have learnt and experienced so much. It has been life-changing.
I've been reading Elizabeth Gilbert's novel 'Eat, Pray, Love'. It seemed pretty pertinent and got me wondering how I'd sum up my journey. I think it may be 'Teach, Learn, Live'. I've gone from teaching in Cambodia, to learning about myself and my limits and then rediscovering the joy in relaxing and enjoying life.
Friends who have known me for years have commented on my happy, relaxed demeanour. Others have said that I look ten years younger than I did a year ago. I certainly feel it. It's fantastic.
Whilst I'm incredibly sad to end this trip, I end it feeling happy and positive. I head back to family and friends in the UK with a renewed outlook on life.
This really isn't the end of my journey. It's just the end of this chapter. A whole new chapter of my life lies ahead and I plan to grab it with both hands!