Monday 28 December 2009

Christmas in Sydney

I hope you all had a very merry Christmas. I still can't really believe that it's been and gone. It's 29th December and I'm the same weight that I was last week and I feel really healthy. That just isn't right for Christmas week. I've had Christmas with no turkey, no roasties, no mince pies, no pud and no Quality Street. My fridge isn't weighed down with leftovers and my stomach isn't groaning after weeks of over-indulgence. It's great!

In the lead up to Christmas, I heard a few festive tunes in shops but not very many. There are some decorations around, but it's much less noticeable than at home. Christmas trees, Santa and reindeer just don't look right against a sunny backdrop.

To get in the festive spirit, Emma and I went to Darling Harbour on Christmas Eve. We joined in the carols around the Christmas tree which was made us feel a bit more Christmassy. There were a few groups of people wearing Santa hats, tinsel and other festive accessories. Spot the Brits! After the carols, we sat on the harbourside with a glass of wine and watched the fireworks. It was a lovely to start our celebrations.

Christmas Day was spent at my friends' house with an eclectic group of fellow waifs and strays. Lunch was a fish barbeque. It was utterly delicious and so relaxed. No panic about getting everything in the oven at 8am! Unfortunately, it was a grey, drizzly day so I was really pleased that some traditions are international - the men stood outside barbequeing in the rain while the women sat inside chatting and drinking!

It was a lovely day, but it didn't really feel like Christmas. It should be cold, indulgent and with family really. But that's what I do every year, and this trip is all about doing something different. Whilst I've missed my family and friends, I haven't missed all the Christmas hype and panic. I just sailed through it with a smile on my face.

All in all, Christmas has been super-chilled. In fact, that's the overwhelming characteristic of my Aussie experience so far. It's too easy (my favourite Aussie expression)!

After volunteering in Cambodia and travelling alone through Vietnam, I keep thinking that my travels should be more challenging than this. I'm staying in a friend's apartment, catching up with mates who have moved here, and I'm generally enjoying living in Sydney for a while. It's great, but should I be looking for more testing experiences on my trip?

On the other hand, I have a tan to maintain and a surf lesson lined up. Maybe that's enough of a challenge for now.

Have a happy new year all.

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